Syria News - October 20, 2014
October 20, 2014 - By the end of Monday, LCC were able to document 41 martyrs including 5 martyrs under torture, 3 children, and one woman: 10 martyrs reported in Damascus and its Suburbs , 7 martyrs in Daraa , 7 martyrs in Idlib , 6 martyrs in Aleppo , 6 martyrs in Deir Ezzor , 3 martyrs in Homs , 2 martyrs in Hama...
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Syria News - October 20, 2014
Local Coordination Committees of Syria
October 20, 2014
Jobar: A father holds his son while he is treated for wounds
Harasta: Treating victims of toxic-gas shelling
Douma: Some victims of airstrike are recovered and ambulanced
Shelling on Zamalka
Shelling on Jobar
Funeral of Syrian media activist Qaysar Habib in Zeizoun, Daraa.
Rebels took over a regime checkpoint on the edges of Um al-Mayadhen, Daraa
Burning vehicles of Assad-forces inside Naseeb border crossing
Rebels celebrate after take highway barrier
Shelling on Zeizoun
Warplanes Shelled Hayan
Shelling on Morek
Shelling on Rastan
Shelling on Khan Sheikhoun
By the end of Monday, LCC were able to document 41 martyrs including 5 martyrs under torture, 3 children, and one woman: 10 martyrs reported in Damascus and its Suburbs , 7 martyrs in Daraa , 7 martyrs in Idlib , 6 martyrs in Aleppo , 6 martyrs in Deir Ezzor , 3 martyrs in Homs , 2 martyrs in Hama.
Douma: A martyr and many wounded were reported due to airstrikes on the city.
Douma: 2 Martyrs and many wounded were reported due to warplanes shelling with vacuum rocket on the city.
Harasta: A number of wounded were reported due to targeting the city with Chlorine gas by regime forces.
Jobar: Regime forces targeted the neighborhood with 4 surface-to-surface missiles.
Jyroud: Wounded were reported by artillery shelling in the town.
Khan Sheih: Helicopters targeted the town with explosive barrels.
Malke: Mortar shells landed on the neighborhood surrounding.
Taiba: Artillery shelling from Made'a Mountain targeted the town.
Wadi Brada: Artillery shelling targeted the town's surroundings mountains.
Zamalka: Warplanes launched airstrikes on the city.
Zbdein: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the town.
Zbdein: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the northern farmlands of the town.
Zbden: Fall of 2 Surface-to Surface missiles on the town's surroundings.
Deir Al-Adas: Warplanes launched 3 airstrikes on the town.
Ghaeya Ghrbeya: Fierce tanks shelling targeted the town.
Harah: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrels on the town.
Inkhel: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrels on the city.
Kahel: Artillery shelling from the 52 Brigade targeted the town.
Mashara town: Helicopters targeted Mashara town with explosive barrels.
Nahteh: Fierce artillery shelling targets the town.
Naseeb: Helicopters targeted the city with 2 explosive barrels.
Om Al-Mayathen: Artillery shelling by regime forces targeted the town.
Om Al-Mayathen: Helicopters targeted the town with explosive barrels.
Om Al Mayathen: Helicopters targeted the town a 2nd time with explosive barrels.
Lajat: Omar Khalf Al-Taboshi was martyred of his wounds due to clashes with regime forces.
Taiba: Helicopters dropped 2 explosive barrels on the town.
Taiba: Helicopters targeted the town a 2nd time with explosive barrels,.
Zeizoun town:Artillery shelling by regime forces targeted Zeizoun town.
Bashoouki vilage: Helicopters dropped 2 explosive barrels on Bashouki village in the north suburbs.
Bin Yazed neighborhood: Artillery shelling targeted Bin Yazed neighborhood.
Hayan: Warplanes Shelled Hayan.
Handarat: Clashes between FSA and regime security forces.
Howaiqa neighborhood: Fierce artillery shelling targeted Howaiqa neighborhood.
Mohannad Hasan Mhesen Al-Saleh from Shehel, Majed Norui Al-Elewi from Mouhasan, Jalal Al-Zahman from Deir Ezzor and Azzam Yousef Al-Mhesen were martred under torture in regime's prisons
Kafer-Zeita: Regime's warplanes launched an airstrike on the city.
Kafr-Zeita: Shelling with rocket launchers targeted the town from Zein Abiden mount.
KafrZeita: Explosive barrels shelling by helicopters targeted the city.
Morek: Helicopters dropped an explosive barrels on the city.
Morek: Warplanes launched more than 6 airstrikes on the city.
Morek: Helicopters targeted Morek-Khan Sheikhon road with 2 explosive barrels.
Al Waer: Wounded were reported by targeting Waer neighborhood with missiles(Mouhamad Wael Sbagh was martyred due to missile attacks).
Rastan: Helicopters targeted the city with explosive barrels.
Rastan: Helicopters dropped 2 explosive barrels on the city.
Talbisah: Many wounded were reported due to explosive barrels shelling on the city.
Helaheya village: Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces at Helaheya village
Khan Sheikoun: Warplanes launched a 2nd airstrike on the city.
Khan Sheikhoun: Warplanes launched an airstrike on the northern neighborhood of the city(4 Martyrs and many wounded were reported due to warplanes shelling on the city and martyrs are:Muhammad Abd Al-Rahman Salom Al-Abd, Child Abd Al-Rahman Basam Salom Al-Abd, Ahmad Al-Dalei, from Morek, Hama, Abdullah Khalaf, from Morek, Hama).
Maaret Nouman: Warplanes launched 2 airstrikes on the town's outskirts.
Rami: Fierce shilka shelling targeted the outskirts of the village.
Saraqeb: Helicopters dropped explosive barrels on the city.
:: Article nr. 110322 sent on 22-dec-2014 02:31 ECT
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